Luxy’s 5 Tips On How To Attract Women
There is no simple way to explain ‘how to attract women’ as you surely know by now, women can be pretty complex. From communication to miscommunication, keep reading to find out Luxy’s 5 secret tips on how to successfully attract women, straight from the female source itself.
The following reveals the basic information you need to know before even asking for a first date. Read more about our advice for ‘how to attract women’ in our previous blog; Dating Advice For Men.
1. Confidence

Being confident is a massively beneficial trait to have when it comes to attracting women. A man that is sure of himself comes across to be sure of what he wants and if that’s a woman then she is sure to be attracted to him. It is important that you feel genuinely comfortable and confident in your own skin rather than creating a facade of confidence as women will inevitably see through this.
However, being confident is a concept that can be easier said than done. When accentuating your confident persona, ensure you have the right balance between confidence and cockiness beforehand. There is a big difference, and arrogance is NOT the answer to attracting women. Confidence comes from being happy and satisfied within yourself so make this a priority before focusing on how to attract women. As a confident individual, you can win over any woman, leaving there no need to search for ‘how to attract women’.
2. Aspirations

Nothing is more attractive to women than ambition. A person who has goals and aspirations never stops learning and never stops growing. So, if you’re constantly working on yourself and aiming to achieve more she will find this attractive and feel inspired to better herself too.
Show her you have goals and a clear purpose in life. Having aspirations means taking control of your life, making good decisions for yourself and being consistent. All of these qualities are highly valued by women and are guaranteed to give you an aura of irresistible appeal. Having life somewhat figured out is a sign of a mature man – more on why this is important below.

It’s also very important not to be big headed. Think you know everything? Think again. Women will find you even more attractive if you can show them that no one is perfect.
3. Selflessness
Be selfless, don’t be afraid to show her that you care. Of course, it is important to keep your lady’s needs and values at the forefront, however there is a big difference between being you and sacrificing your time to show you care and not having a stable backbone! Sometimes to attract a woman you will have to stand your ground – just remember to be sensitive and understanding about it.

4. Maturity
An established woman doesn’t need a clingy and needy partner that hangs onto her every word. Maturity comes to those who are independent, understanding and responsible. It means being reliable, finishing what you started (however small), how you handle yourself, having good manners, being emotionally mature and able to communicate.
This is incredibly important when it comes to attracting women as the opposite features can be underwhelming and disappointing within someones character. Be sure to evaluate how attractive you would find yourself to others without possessing these traits…
5. Appearance
To attract women, appearance is key. Referring to appearances does not necessarily mean your physical build or your natural looks as attractiveness goes beyond these aspects. Natural appeal and attraction can stem from within as well as from the outside. Simply put, you do not need to possess the godliest of looks to attract women. However, it is paramount to take control of your grooming routine. Never underestimate the power of good hygiene, fragrance (CRUCIAL) and style – there is nothing more attractive to a woman than someone who is clean, scented and well dressed.

BONUS: How To Attract Women – Tip 6: Resourcefulness
Knowing how to attract women might’ve seemed like a near-impossible task, but not anymore! Resourcefulness is incredibly attractive to women. Not to reinforce the ‘damsel in distress’ ideology, but someone who is able to solve problems and handle situations creates a safety net and a comfortable persona to be surrounded with. Resourcefulness is a trait which portrays you as someone who knows how to communicate, ask for help, take control of situations and become a trusted individual.
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Ultimately, there is not one step you can take to suddenly master the art of how to attract women. Before trying to attract any women, make sure you present your best self to ensure that you don’t just impress on the first date, but every other date too. Essentially, that is what most women really are looking for – someone who can continuously impress them with the things that really matter. Tick off as many of the above tips as possible and you’ll be set when it comes to attracting women.
Despite sounding cliché, be yourself. You want her to be attracted to you, not someone who you pretend to be for her – be careful because women can sense that.

Now you know how to attract women, want to find out where to attract them? Luxy – sign up today and start attracting women!
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