How to Get a New Year’s Kiss!
With New Year’s Eve upon us, many people begin to wonder who they’ll kiss when the clock strikes midnight!
This is either very exciting or very troublesome for singles during this celebration.
Many believe that they will have a year full of love and good fortune if they ring it in with a kiss, and the opposite if they’re left standing alone!
This may just be superstition, without any fact behind it, however, it is still is a fun and spicy way to start off the year of 2019!
For any believers of this tradition, read the tips below!
Choose your outfit wisely
New Year’s Eve is a night full of festive parties and fun outfits. It may take a while to decide on what you will wear for the night, but it should be something you feel comfortable, yet sexy in.
For women, start with something as simple as wearing a bra that forms to your curves. It will set the tone for your outfit and enable you to feel confident in your own skin.
Pair it with a fun, sequined dress and a cute pair of heels!
And for men, you can’t go wrong with a classy exit on the year. Sticking to an all-black ensemble with definitely catch someone’s eye!
People will pick up on the aura of confidence and comfortability your outfit will give you. Put your best foot forward with clothes you can rock through the night!
Make the first move
In this day and age, it can be almost impossible to tell if someone likes you or not.
Whether you met them online or in person, it can be pretty scary making the first move.
However, with most of the population always waiting for the other person to make a move and everybody playing hard to get, breaking the ice can be very refreshing!
It can be as easy as starting off the conversation with a corny joke or observation, and the conversation will begin to flow!
Don’t become desperate
Nothing can become more off-putting than meeting someone who reeks of desperation. Casually start up a conversation, and get to know more about them!
Eventually, drop in some questions where you can feel out their relationship status, and if they are even interested in you!
These questions will be appreciated and definitely win you some brownie points!
After the kiss….
Sparks flew and you really enjoyed your time- wanting to see them again isn’t abnormal! Grab their contact information and make some plans!
Making future plans is a great way to secure a date!
Learn their interests and plan something around that. It will be hard to say no to if they love the activity planned.
If they are hard to read, setting up brunch the following weekend, or a movie date during the week are two safe ways to spend time together without much pressure..
Comment below with any advice on how to secure that new year’s eve smooch!
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