10 Dating Rules You Need To Find Love In 2019! Part 1.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus proclaimed: “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”. A wise phrase that still applies today in the ever-changing world of dating. Truly, nothing is the same as 10, maybe 5 years ago. Nothing is the same as 1 year ago! That is why Luxy brings you the 10 important dating rules that you will need to find love in 2019.

Our dating rules are here to help you navigate this wild and scary dating arena which exists today. Remember, you do not need to abide religiously by all 10 of them (we won’t check, we promise). These dating rules are here to act as dating guidelines only, meaning that you can pick and choose which of them suit your dating life. These dating rules will be different for you and different for your friends, but don’t forget to share with them too!
Without further ado, here are our top dating rules for 2019:

Dating Rule No. 1 - Take care of yourself
Single? Take advantage of it!
This is the only time, and probably the last time, you will have to splash out selfishly on yourself, pamper yourself with gifts, treats, vacation, food, you name it. You don’t have to do everything by yourself either, invite your friends!

When a person is happy and satisfied, they are much more radiant and attractive. Stop searching the love and start loving. Realize that YOU are the important person in your life. Once you start treating yourself as such, others will realize it too. Soon you will have that perfect date, that perfect partner, that perfect relationship which you have been dreaming of!
Dating Rule No. 2 - No is just a No.
Nothing more, nothing less. This dating rule is about painful rejection, and how to turn it around. It is important that you know that when someone rejects you, it is not bad, and you are not alone. Rejection is a big part of the dating world nowadays.

As an individual, you need to build resistance to this. In fact, in most areas of your life you are likely already fine with it. So, why is it different when it comes to dating? ‘No’ is in fact a funnel which filters out the bad matches, the bad partners and the bad dates, and leaves you with the best ones – and you don’t waste your time.
In short, accept rejection. It is not only a way to build resistance, but also something that helps you shape your idea of the best partner. Don’t settle for any less.
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Dating Rule No. 3 - Have a support network

Your friends and family are here for you. Spend quality time with them and in their networks to increase your chances of meeting someone new and interesting! Let them know if they can help you. Perhaps they know eligible singles around you to set you up. This is a great way to expose yourself to the outside world because you are sure to meet someone who is on the same level as you.
If that does not work out, and you would prefer more knowledgeable help, there are plenty of prestigious and professional matchmakers who know the dating arena in your location. Ask them! Or perhaps you would prefer something even more confidential, then use an app! An app like Luxy can help you meet eligible individuals who are guaranteed to be on the same page as you and meet them comfortably at a pace that suits you.
Dating Rule No. 4 - Create opportunities
Logically, if you don’t position yourself in front of the man or woman that you desire, they will not know you exist! Ensure that you are creating easy opportunities for your ‘crush’ to approach you, to notice you, to see you and to ask you out on a date! You can do this very simply and at no extra cost to you if you hang out in places where you think the person you would like to meet might hang out.

Prefer quiet and smart? Hang out at the library or perhaps your coffee shop! Prefer someone active? Go to the park more often. Make it a routine. The important part is that you are open to people approaching you. Remember this is not easy nowadays, so the top tip is: don’t use headphones, don’t stare at your screen all the time, smile and make eye contact. Your ‘target’ will find it way easier and less scary to say hello.
Dating Rule No. 5 - Take action
Okay, it’s 2019, the debate about who should or should not make the first move shouldn’t be at the forefront of dating, yet here we are.

If you are a woman – you no longer have to be afraid of making the first move. Sometimes men like it and sometimes they don’t, there really isn’t a clear way to decide. It depends on what kind of personality you have and what kind of a person he is.
Plus, the first move does not need to be a bold one. You can do something small and inconspicuous as ‘accidentally’ brushing against someone when you are in the queue for your coffee or drop a pen in the library as you walk past the person you like. This should give you/ him a reason to say something or at least smile. There you go, your first interaction – after that, making conversation the next time is immediately more naturally and less tense.

If you are a man, 2019 can be your year. Forget your pride and speak to that girl that you’ve been passing in the park every day! Say hi that person that takes the lift to the office with you each morning. It does not need to be a colossal move you make, simply smile or say “Hi, how are you?” and you are in. Start small, build up the conversation and in no time asking her out will feel so natural.
On the other hand, if you like making bold moves, letting the girl know (in a sweet way) that you like her and would like to grab a drink sometimes can work out for you too. Make sure to do it confidently! Would you like more advice? Here is a quick guide to dating rules to attract women.
This is a special set of 10 dating rules…

Giving out dating advice is not easy, everyone reacts to it differently. Take today to think about the above 5 dating rules, make a plan on how you can incorporate these into your dating life to make the most out of them.
To maximise the value which you get out of our advice, stay tuned for tomorrow’s part, where we will reveal our top 5 tips on dating in 2019 which will transform your second half of this year.

Looking for more tips NOW? Here are Luxy’s Resolutions For Better Dating In 2019!
Impatient to put these dating rules into practice? Sign up for Luxy to start meeting potential matches!
Continue to find out about Dating Rules 6. to 10. in Part 2 here.
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