5 First Date Tips That Will Guarantee You Get a Second
Congratulations on finding yourself a date! First dates can be awkward and hard at times but they can also be the start of something special. Here are a few first date tips for a successful first date that will guarantee you get a second:
First Date Tips
- Choose the Perfect Location
Your chosen location will set the scene for the date. Whether you want to splash the cash and impress your date or you want to keep it casual, you should choose a place where you will both feel comfortable. Bars or cafés make great first date venues; a glass of wine or cup of coffee will allow the freedom of either a short encounter or a longer meeting, depending on how well you get on! A casual drink can easily turn into dinner (or more) if you hit it off…
Present Yourself Well
First impressions count!
Your date has already had a taster of what you are like from your online profile and your physical presentation should be just as well thought out. So… dress to impress and remind your date why they swiped right!
As well as physical appearance, body language and eye contact play an important role in the way you present yourself. Looking at your date in the eyes and using open body language will not only make them feel more comfortable in your presence, but will also show them signs that you’re interested.
Maintain Engaging Conversation
Conversations should flow back and forth. Do not talk about yourself too much; modesty will be appealing to your date. Try to leave some things to the imagination and save topics talk about on your next date.
Ask your date questions – showing interest is attractive! Ask about their hobbies and interests and find common ground.
Avoid exaggerating or lying. It is better to be honest from the start; your partner will appreciate your honesty. If this date turns into something more they will find out the truth in the end.
Enjoy Yourself!
Dates don’t have to be full of pressure or nerves. You may not know how the date will turn out, you can choose to be open-minded and show your best qualities.
Use this date as an excuse to let your hair down be playful and most importantly, have fun!
Ending the Date…
Now for the part most people find the hardest, how to end the date. Following up right away shouldn’t be a taboo. Whatever the outcome, don’t make your date wait! If you followed these date tips and had a wonderful time, tell the other person and don’t hesitate to ask them for a second date!