Make a Good First Impression with Your Online Dating Profile
The first thing that potential dates will see in your online dating profile is your picture. This matters above all else, since research has shown that 55% of first impressions are based on…
How To Be Single Until You Are Not Single Anymore
Being single appears to be an impossible task lately. From all angles we are bombarded with reasons why being single is the WORST...
Luxy Milestones!
Dating is a complicated area of life, to navigate it is no easy task, as we are sure you know. The Luxy blog is designed to offer you practical and helpful insight into…
Get Out of Your Toxic Relationship Now, It’s Not Healthy!
No relationship is perfect. Some even can be toxic. Every relationship starts off on a high, reaches its peak and at some point it comes back down, goes back up, or in some…
Tea Time with Luxy: Dating Advice
Want to get dating? OK! Let's get you dating as soon as we can. Before you get into a serious relationship, there is just these few things you will....
First Date Advice: 5 Ways To Nail The First Date
There is no way around first dates – so let’s jumping right in. Luxy brings you first date advice like no other, so, don’t fret! These first date tips are here to make your…
10 Dating Rules You Need To Find Love In 2019! Part 2
Ready to find out more dating rules to maximise your dating potential in 2019? Missed 10 Dating Rules Part 1? Click Here. After you have reviewed our first 5 dating rules above, we…
10 Dating Rules You Need To Find Love In 2019! Part 1.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus proclaimed: “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change”. A wise phrase that still applies today in the ever-changing world of dating. Truly, nothing is the same…
Soulmate | 12 Signs To Tell That You’ve Got A Soulmate
With over 7.53 billion people walking this Earth today, it is difficult to believe that there is just one person who has been made for you – your soulmate. Some say that a…
Relationship Goals Or No Relationship Goals? 5 Reasons Why + FREE GIFT
Cute picture on Instagram, hashtag relationship goals: check. Red roses: check. Matching Christmas sweaters, hashtag couple goals: check. Love quotes under each other’s photos: check. Hashtag goals. So, you followed the Internet’s relationship…