28 Relationship Goals for the New Year
The usage of the term ‘relationship goals’ has recently proliferated all over social media and on the Internet; where every other couple photo you see on your Instagram feed will contain at least one such comment. However, what you see on the surface does not always show the real side of the couple, and every relationship is bound to have their own set of struggles and challenges. As you strive for a healthy relationship, what are some goals that you want to set for you and your partner?
Fundamentally, a relationship goal is an idealized state that couples want to achieve; an aim that is realistic and not idealistic. Sensationalized couples like John Legend and Chrissy Teigen have long been viewed as the perfect relationship that couples strive towards, as they display how a realistic love story can emulate a fairy tale one as well. If you and your significant other want to build a strong connection and have a lifelong relationship, here is a list of 28 goals that couples should aim for this upcoming new year.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships
- Maintaining your own individualities
When you’re caught up in spellbinding love, it is easy to have your world revolve around your partner. It is paramount for couples to be their own person, and chase their own dreams and passion despite being in a relationship. Building yourself up and having a life away from your partner will allow both of you to grow individually, which will then be the foundation for a healthy and nurturing relationship.
2. Through the thick and thin
Intimate relationships are always full of ups and downs, no matter how stable the relationship is. It is important to always stay with your partner through the good and the bad in order to emerge stronger after each challenge and obstacle.
3. Don’t stop learning
Picking up new skills and learning new things is beneficial for a couple to grow together. Don’t let a relationship put a halt to your brain juices; sign up for classes and brush up on your knowledge as a couple, and never stop challenging yourself to attain self-growth.
4. Set date nights
As a relationship progresses, it can be easy to forget about date nights when you and your partner are caught up with the demands of life. Always keep that spark alive by setting aside at least one night every week to spend some alone time together, and to strengthen the bond that you two share. Relationships are all about making time for each other and making them your priority.
5. Care more for each other
As a team, looking out for your partner and considering his or her feelings should be your number one priority. Make sure that you shower your significant other with enough love and care and make decisions with your partner in mind. A little more tender loving care wouldn’t hurt!
6. Actions speak louder than words
Couples tend to take each other for granted when both parties are comfortable with each other. To avoid that, buy a little gift for her or surprise her by offering to do the dishes. Things like this will show your partner that you still value and care for the relationship.
7. Be the real you
The best relationships are the ones where both parties can completely be themselves around their partner; where one’s bare face, morning breath, and crying face is appreciated. Be comfortable enough with your partner to reveal the true and bare side of you without fear of getting judged; after all, if they truly love you, they’ll adore every part of you!
8. Be romantic
Take some time out to plan a romantic picnic by the beach or plan for a movie date under the stars. These acts of romance, whether big or small, will definitely be appreciated by your partner!
9. Trust, trust, trust
Complete trust in your partner is the fundamental basis of any healthy, lifelong relationship. Trust involves you having faith in your partner in every situation, which also means resisting the urge to scroll through his messages when you see his unattended phone on his bed.

Striving Towards Long-Lasting Relationships
10. Having a sense of security
A longer relationship should come with a strong sense of security. Partners should start to worry less about their other half’s opposite gender friends and overfriendly colleagues at the workplace. Maintaining a long term relationship requires both parties to be grounded in the fact that both of you are in this together for the long haul.
11. Using the right love language
Couples should always be aware of their partner’s love language, and even their own. People show love and receive love differently. As such, when both parties shower love in the right way, there will be a stronger and more intimate connection.
12. Inclusion into the family
It is important for your partner to feel included in your family and vice versa. Families form a big portion of anyone’s lives and when you start getting involved in each other’s family activities, both of you will develop more security and groundedness in the relationship.
13. Creating your own private space
One of the keys to a blissful relationship is creating your own happy bubble that only you and your partner have access to. This means having your own private memories, inside jokes and intimate secrets. This fantasy bubble allows both of you to simply enjoy each other’s company and fully immerse yourself in the wonders of love.
14. Go on adventures
Looking for new adventures together is a good way of creating novelty for the relationship. If both of you aren’t really into intense sports like skydiving or bungee-jumping, exploring a new hideout or visiting a new country can do your relationship some good.
15. Plan surprises
It is no secret that relationships that last are those that make the effort to keep the spark alive. Plan surprises once in a while to make your partner feel loved and cared for. Go all out by planning a grand surprise party on his birthday or do something extravagant by filling the room with rose petals on Valentine’s Day. Make them feel special once in a while to spice up the relationship!
16. Listen, not hear
Communicating is one thing, but connecting is another. Don’t just hear your partner’s rants for the sake of it; listen to the words and internalize them. If you’re going to have a lifelong relationship, connecting through words is key.
17. Make financial plans
Personal finances are one of people’s greatest worries, and being in a relationship means that you should disclose your financial situation with your partner at some point. Start planning for your financial stability together, and work towards it. Whether it is opening a joint bank account or mutually saving $20 a week— be on the same page and be equally responsible for a sustainable relationship.
18. Get physical
Apart from emotional connection, a physical connection is important too. Don’t let the naughty business go away as the relationship progress — send a cheeky text from time to time and give a sensual massage to your partner.

Maintaining a blissful relationship
19. Handle conflicts maturely
Arguments and quarrels are bound to happen, and when they do, make sure that they are settled maturely. Lashing out and trying to “win” the argument will only bring the relationship down in the rut. Always remember that it is you and your partner against the issue, and not you against your partner.
20. Laugh more
As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine. Laughing with your partner and even at your partner helps maintain the youthful love in the relationship. Tell a stupid joke or do a silly dance just to make your partner laugh— being happy together makes for a happy relationship too.
21. Don’t cut down on the flirting
In order to fight the mundaneness of a long-term relationship, start flirting again just like the early days! Use a pickup line, give him dirty looks and cheekily slip her your number during your dinner dates. These little things will make your relationship fun and spontaneous!
22. Make plans for your future
Coming up with a list of baby names or choosing your future apartment together can be a fun bonding activity, and can also develop more security in the relationship. Knowing that your significant other is as serious as you in planning for a future together can be very reassuring, and is a crucial stepping stone towards a blissful long-term relationship.
23. Be best friends
Not only should your partner be your lover, but he or she should also be your best friend as well. Your partner is someone who knows you inside out and is the person you go to when you need a shoulder to cry on. Partners should simultaneously act as both lovers and friends in order for your relationship to be a nurturing and joyful one.
24. Don’t be shy to hold hands
Holding hands has been proven as a way to bring couples closer and strengthen romantic bonds. Whether you’re young or old, holding hands in public to show your partner off will instill more security in the relationship, and keeps things romantic as well.
25. Always show kindness
Being kind to your partner is a no-brainer. Incorporating unconditional kindness extracts all the negative feelings and energy from a relationship, thus leaving behind a happy relationship that will last for years to come.
26. Prioritize the relationship
Make your partner and your relationship number one in all that you do. Though the demands of life can often cause your priorities to shift, keeping your partner at the top of your list will help both of you to stay strong and last a lifetime.
27. Be a team
Being a team means picking them up when they fall, always having their backs and constantly looking out for them. You and your partner are in this together for life, through thick and thin, good and bad experiences; there is nothing that will drag your relationship down if both of you stay committed to working everything out together.
28. Safe haven
Relationships are meant for couples to have a safe haven. Individuals are allowed to be their most vulnerable selves with their partners, without fear of being judged. Couples should feel safe and secure in this space, away from everything that causes stress and hurt. Couples that succeed in this aspect will go a long way and grow as a team.
So there you have it, a list of 28 relationship goals that we promise will take your relationship to the next level! Ultimately, having realistic relationship goals tailored to the dynamics of your relationship is crucial in ensuring that a healthy and lifelong bond is formed. It is all about you and your partner creating the best version of yourselves and going through life together in the best and happiest way possible.
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