How to Stay Connected with Potential Dates While Social Distancing
Going on dates and meeting new people while social distancing may be different from what you’re used to, but it doesn’t mean that it’s not possible.
Although you may not be able to meet someone while you’re out and about in a bar or restaurant, at work or with friends, you can still meet people through online dating services and get creative with dating while social distancing.
Prepare to Connect Through a Virtual Date
Making a good first impression over the phone or through video chat can seem a little more difficult, but don’t let it get to you.
Prepare to make a good first impression like you would in person, throw on a good outfit, make sure your hair is working for you, tame that quarantine facial hair, and think of some things you might want to talk about with your date.
How you present yourself on a first date says a lot about you, even over video or the phone. You could use Facetime, WhatsApp, Hangouts or any other video chat service you or your date might prefer.

Get Creative
Once you’ve prepared yourself for your first quarantine date, it’s time to decide what you are going to do.
Social distancing doesn’t mean dating has to be mundane or non-existent. You can still make the date fun and exciting by choosing an activity that will give you and your date something more to focus on than just talking:
♦ Try using Teleparty to watch a movie together, since the theaters are closed.
♦ Plan to cook the same meal for dinner and set up your video chat while cooking, then sit down to eat together!
♦ Or simply ask your date to meet you for a drink in the comfort of both of your own living rooms. You can play some music, set some mood lighting and before you know it, it’ll feel like a remote bar and the pressure will be off.
Make it Fun
Especially now, when there isn’t much going on, it can be difficult to keep up a consistent conversation about how your day has been and what you’ve been up to. So, remember to keep it light and change up your location when video chatting.
You can chat from the living room, your bedroom, the kitchen, and even outside. Each location will give a different vibe and scenery that could influence the conversation and the mood. You could give them a tour of your house or apartment, introduce them to your animals and show them your favorite spot to relax outside, like your patio, hammock, or by the pool.
You would never bring your date to the same restaurant three dates in a row outside of this quarantine because things would get stale and your date would get bored. Think outside of the box and change it up as much as you can to keep things interesting for the time being.

Take it to the Next Level
Even though you will be self-isolating for the foreseeable future, the physical and intimate aspects of any relationship are still as important as the emotional and intellectual aspects.
There are multiple benefits to intimacy, such as less stress, better sleep, and better relaxation. So, try sexing if you are ready! This will keep things exciting and interesting until you can reconnect in person. This can be an exciting but sometimes nerve-racking experience for some online daters. So, if you or your date are experiencing sexual anxiety or trouble maintaining an erection, there are daily medications, like Cialis, available to treat erectile dysfunction.
Remember there is no rush to get physical, so relax and take it slow if you need to.
Although times have changed and you are limited on where you can go and what you can do, life doesn’t have to stop altogether. You can use this time to get creative and build deeper relationships based on personality and prepare yourself for when this is all over by dealing with any sexual and personal anxiety you may have related to dating.
It’s possible that you may meet the perfect person for you online during this quarantine and creating fun ways to stay connected could keep the flame burning until you are able to see them in person!

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